1 Announcements displayed.

  • Riverside Homecoming 2024 set for Oct. 4-5

Special Weather Announcement from the President

 Dear Riverside Parents, Guardians, Cadets, and Faculty/Staff,
Welcome to a new semester! I trust your 2025 is off to a good start after a well-deserved holiday break.
This time of year comes with unpredictable weather. The current forecast for northeast Georgia includes the possibility of snow on Friday. To ensure a full school day regardless of weather, Friday will be a digital day of classes.
For those who are planning to go home for the weekend, we want to give you the opportunity to get ahead of the potential weather. You may sign-out your student on Thursday at 6:00 pm ET, after duties and athletic activities. Sign-outs will take place in the Welcome Center at the West Portal.
Students signing out Thursday evening for the weekend will need to take home their chromebook. Whether on campus or home, every student is required to participate in Friday’s digital classes, otherwise, they will sustain an unexcused absence.
Here is Friday's modified schedule:
 Reveille:              0845
 Mess I:                0915 -0945
 1st Period:           0955 - 1025
 2nd Period:          1030 - 1100
 3rd Period:           1105 - 1135
 4th Period:           1140 - 1210
 Mess II:               1210 - 1305
 5th Period:           1305 - 1335
 6th Period:           1340 - 1410
 7th Period:           1415 - 1445
Due to the weather forecast, this week's Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Basketball games against Trinity Classical have been canceled. Also, the Eagle Invitational wrestling tournament is being rescheduled possibly for next Friday, January 17 for those who will remain on campus during the extended holiday weekend.
There will be plenty of on-campus activities planned for those students who remain at school for the weekend. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s TAC Officer or commandantsoffice@riversideprep.org.
Very respectfully,
Robert "Britt" Daniel, J.D.