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  • Riverside Homecoming 2024 set for Oct. 4-5

Riverside's STAR Student and Teacher Announced

Katie Martin
The Professional Association of Georgia Educator’s Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program honors high school seniors with the highest SAT score in each school. Honorees must also have a grade point average in the top ten percent of their class. 
Riverside senior, Ethan Sun, was named STAR Student for Riverside and chose Mr. Marc Paglia as his STAR Teacher. Sun said, “Math wasn’t my best subject at first. I was lacking the fundamentals, so it was hard to grasp, but Mr. Paglia would patiently explain everything to me.” Sun has taken four Advanced Placement (AP) classes including Paglia’s AP Calculus class and continues to excel.

Sun not only shines academically, but he is also an exceptional musician and current drum captain for the drum line. Following graduation Sun hopes to attend GA Tech and study engineering.

“Before Riverside, I would get home after school and just play on my phone. Since I’ve been at Riverside, I’ve realized there’s a lot more to life than my phone. I’ve been able to step into leadership positions and help others,” Sun said. “My parents had heard about Riverside and knew I was a bit lacking in discipline. When they learned that it was an all-boys military school, they thought I would thrive here, and I have.”

The Gainesville Kiwanis Club will host a luncheon honoring students and teachers from the Hall County school systems at their 65th annual Student Teacher Achievement Recognition ceremony in the spring.