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Riverside Cadet Earns Eagle Scout Award

Katie Martin
According to Riverside senior Ethan Rather, time, dedication, and patience are the essential elements for success as a Riverside cadet. These same elements also prepared him to become a distinguished Eagle Scout. 

Rather joined the Boy Scouts when he was 11 years old and knew he wanted to progress in his rank to become an Eagle Scout, especially after his grandfather encouraged Rather to do so before he passed away. To become an Eagle Scout, one must lead a group of people to complete a service project for the benefit of the community. In honor of his late grandfather, Rather chose to build eight picnic tables for his grandfather’s Catholic parish in Alabama. The area has served as a gathering place for the community since 1953, and has now been improved through Rather’s efforts.

In the five years Rather has been at Riverside Prep, he has learned the value of hard work and discipline. “Riverside is where I have learned all my leadership abilities. The experiences I’ve had here prepared me for what it takes to be an Eagle Scout,” he explained. 

Rather currently serves as the Chairman of the Honor Council on Battalion Staff where he seeks to uphold the moral and academic integrity of the Corps. He is also involved in the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and the Horton Society, which all involve community service. 

Rather attributes his passion for servant leadership to his mentors at Riverside, like his first TAC officer, CPO Paul Green. “Chief Green taught me a lot of life lessons. I don’t think I’d be as capable of a leader without Chief Green’s mentorship,” Rather said.

Following graduation, Rather hopes to attend The Citadel with the intent to commission in the U.S. Army while also helping his father with the family business. As he prepares for his next steps in life, the discipline Rather has exhibited as both a cadet and Eagle Scout are sure to carry him on to success in his future endeavors.