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  • Riverside Homecoming 2024 set for Oct. 4-5

CAP Chartering Ceremony

Katie Martin
The Civil Air Patrol’s (CAP) aim has been to “mobilize the nation's civilian aviation resources for national defense service” since its founding in 1941. Thanks to the help of Riverside alumnus, Ron Fenner, class of 1966, who assembled the resources that brought the partnership with CAP to the Academy, Riverside Prep was pleased to offer the program to cadets starting in August 2022 officially. On May 3, 2023, faculty, cadets, donors, and special guests gathered at Nimocks Quadrangle for the chartering of the CAP Riverside Prep Cadet Squadron.

Along with members of Riverside’s Board of Trustees, parents of CAP cadets, and alumni, distinguished guests included Colonel David Smith (Georgia Air National Guard Vice Wing Commander of 165th Airlift Wing), Colonel Ronald N. Speir, Jr. (Georgia Air National Guard Director of Staff), Colonel Jeffrey Garrett (Georgia Wing Commander), Lt Col Michael Crowe (Georgia Wing Chief of Staff), Maj Adam Davidson (Georgia Wing Group 2 Commander), Capt Julie Devries (Georgia Wing Group 2 Deputy Commander), Lt Col Shannon Brumfield (Georgia Wing Director of Cadet Programs), Capt Craig Boozer, Squadron Commander Athens-Clarke County), Maj Ken Andrus (Riverside Prep Squadron Deputy Commander), Lt Col Daniel “Bud” Oakey ‘75 (CAP Virginia Legislative Wing Commander).

On behalf of Georgia Wing, Garrett said, “[We are] pleased to add Riverside Prep as our 41st Squadron in the State. Their members will join the other 1,800 members within the Wing working together on our three congressionally chartered missions: Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs, and Emergency Services. We are volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.”

To conclude the ceremony, Riverside’s President, COL(R) Stanley “Staś” Preczewski surprised Fenner by officially naming Riverside’s CAP classroom the “Ronslow P. Fenner Civil Air Patrol Classroom” in his honor. Preczewski said, “As President, I receive many suggestions and potential program ideas, but much to his credit, Ron doesn’t simply make a suggestion in passing. He does the legwork, pulls together a task force, and gathers all the information and data before bringing it to me.”

Lt. Col. Robert Powers (Georgia Wing Vice Commander and adult leader in Riverside’s CAP Cadet Squadron) said, “The Georgia Wing is very proud to have the Riverside cadets as a part of the organization. They’ll enrich not only the lives of the other cadets at Riverside but also of the other cadets involved in the Georgia Wing.”